M&TM Freight LLC offers a low-cost office removal in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our full range of works also includes packing, transportation and assembly. Our company has gained valuable experience during ten years of work in this field. Removal experts ensure that all your equipment and furniture are professionally packed and delivered in due time with the help of appropriate vehicles.
An office removal means large-scale moving of equipment and furniture of a firm to a new office. It involves the transportation of all equipment, furniture, documents, and etc. A well-organised moving process can guarantee that a company will quickly renew its activities in a new place. An efficient and low-cost solution to an office removal is to use services of a moving company. Nowadays a turnkey office removal is very popular.
Office Removal and Its Stages
Application to a moving company Applying to a moving company requires clearly formulated tasks, description of the dimensions of transported office equipment and furniture and appropriate ordered vehicles. Before the order has been registered, an employee of the moving company will pay a free visit to your office to provide consultations, draw up a list of works and assess their preliminary price. After all the details have been clarified, the parties will sign an agreement specifying their obligations, dates and the final cost of removal.
Preparatory works An office removal of a Moscow firm begins with dismantling and packing. Before removal all the items are marked, generally, with initials of the office employees and put into separate boxes according to groups "equipment", "documents", "stationery", "PC elements", and etc. The furniture is dismantled and packed with materials, such as cardboard boxes, containers, thin film, sticky tape, wrapping paper, and etc.
Office removal Removers take the packed office equipment and furniture to the vehicle in accordance with the prepared inventory. Oversized and bulky objects are transported with the help of professional handling equipment. The forwarding specialist supervises the handling operations, ensures the safety of the transported objects and the observance of dates. A representative of the client's company may be present to ensure additional control.
Unloading and assembly The staff of the moving company also performs unloading operations. The range of after delivery services includes the assembly and arrangement of the furniture, installation and connection of the equipment and computers, as well as placement of your staff in the new office according to the provided plan. After the work has been completed, we will take the waste (boxes, remaining film, and etc.).
Acceptance of performed works by the client The final stage of a professional office removal takes place when the client checks the completeness of the performed works, inspects the new office rooms and signs a document containing the list of the items.
Benefits of Cooperation with M&TM Freight
Professional staff The M&TM Freight staff has great experience of work in the field of office removals. Special skills and professional equipment enable us to quickly and efficiently move offices in Moscow.
Tight deadlines Thanks to a clearly organised operating procedure and used state-of-the-art handling equipment and vehicles our firm can offer a low-cost one-day office removal in Moscow. M&TM Freight may also ensure an urgent removal of a firm at the client's request.
Attractive prices Thanks to our comprehensive approach to the works we offer moderate and attractive prices. You can find a detailed price list for all types of services, including urgent services, on this page.